Edmond J. Safra Center Members

updated: 26.05.2024


Prof. Gil Ast

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

School of Medicine

Phone: +972-3-640-6893

E-Mail: gilast@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Gil Ast


Prof. Karen B. Avraham

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

School of Medicine 

Phone: +972-3-640-7030

E-Mail: karena@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >



Prof. Uri Ben-David

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

School of Medicine

Phone: +972-3-640-4729

E-Mail: ubendavid@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Emeritus Yoav Benjamini

Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research

School of Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8756

E-Mail: ybenja@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Yoav Benjamini


Prof. Nir Ben-Tal

School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6709 

E-Mail: bental@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >



Prof. Judith Berman

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-7633

E-Mail: jberman@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Judith Berman


Prof. Elhanan Borenstein

Dept. of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine and the Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Phone: +972-3-640-

E-Mail: elbo@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >





Dr. David Burstein

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8715

E-Mail: davidbur@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >




Prof. Danny Chamovitz

School of Plant Sciences and Food Security

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6703

E-Mail: dannyc@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Danny Chamovitz


Prof. Eli Eisenberg

School of Physics and Astronomy

Phone: +972-3-640-7723

E-Mail: elieis@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Eli Eisenberg


Prof. Ran Elkon

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

School of Medicine 

E-Mail: ranel@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >

Dr. Ran Elkon


Prof. Irit Gat-Viks

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences 

Phone: +972-3-640-6945

E-Mail: igatviks@broadinstitute.org

Lab Website >

Research >

Prof. Irit Gat-Viks


Prof. Uri Gophna

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-9988

E-Mail: urigo@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Uri Gophna


Prof. Malka Gorfine

Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research

School of Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8391

E-Mail: malkago12@gmail.com

Research >



Prof. Dan Halperin

The Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Phone: +972-3-640-6478

E-Mail: danha@tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Dan Halperin


Prof. Emeritus David Horn

School of Physics and Astronomy

Phone: +972-3-642-9305

E-Mail: horn@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. David Horn


Prof. Martin Kupiec

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-9031

E-Mail: martin@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Martin Kupiec


Prof. Itay Mayrose

School of Plant Sciences and Food Security

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-7212

E-Mail: itaymay@post.tau.ac.il

Research >


Prof. Iftach Nachman

School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences


E-Mail: iftachn@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Dr. Iftach Nachman


Prof. Emeritus Ruth Nussinov

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

School of Medicine 

Phone: +972-3-640- 7967

E-Mail: ruthnu@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Emeritus Ruth Nussinov


Prof. Uri Obolski

Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine; Department of Environmental Studies, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences.

E-Mail: uriobols@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >



Prof. Tal Pupko

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-7693

E-Mail: talp@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Tal Pupko


Dr. Yoav Ram

School of Zoology

The George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences

E-Mail: yoavram@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research >


Prof. Emeritus Eytan Ruppin

The Blavatnik School of Computer Sciences & School of Medicine

Phone: +972-3-640-6528 

E-Mail: ruppin@cs.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Emeritus Eytan Ruppin


Prof. Saharon Rosset 

Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research

School of Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8820

E-Mail: saharon@post.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Prof. Saharon Rosset


Prof. Emeritus Ron Shamir

The Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Phone: +972-3-640-5383

E-Mail: shamir@cs.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Prof. Ron Shamir


Prof. Roded Sharan

The Blavatnik School of Computer Science 

Phone: +972-3-640-7139

E-Mail: roded@post.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Prof. Roded Sharan


Prof.  Emeritus Yosef Shiloh

Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry 

School of Medicine 

Phone: +972-3-640-9760

E-Mail: yossih@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Prof. Yosef Shiloh


Prof. Yoel Shkolnisky

Dept. of Applied Mathematics 

School of Mathematical Sciences 

Phone: +972-3-640-8705

E-Mail: yoelsh@post.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Prof. Yoel Shkolnisky


Prof. Noam Shomron

Dept. of Cell & Developmental Biology

School of Medicine

Phone: +972-3-640-6594

E-Mail: nshomron@tauex.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Dr. Noam Shomron


Prof. Adi Stern

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research 

George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences 

Phone: +972-3-6407508

E-Mail: sternadi@post.tau.ac.il

Research > 

Dr. Adi Stern


Dr.  Jérôme Tubiana

The Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Phone: +972-3-640-

E-Mail: jeromet@mail.tau.ac.il

Research >


Prof. Tamir Tuller

Dept. of  Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Phone: +972-3-640-5836

E-Mail: tamirtul@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Tamir Tuller


Prof. Emeritus Haim J. Wolfson

The Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Phone: +972-3-640-8268

E-Mail: wolfson@post.tau.ac.il

Research >

Prof. Haim J. Wolfson




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