September 2024: Pu joined Shandong University as an Assistant Professor

Dr. Lianrong Pu has joined Shandong University as a tenure-track faculty member.

September 2024: Pu joined Shandong University as an Assistant Professor

Dr. Lianrong Pu has joined Shandong University as a tenure-track faculty member.


Dr. Pu was an Edmond J. Safra Postdoc fellow in Prof. Ron Shamir's lab, (Computer Science). In Fall 2023 Dr. Pu joined the School of Computer Science and Technology at the Shandong University as an Assistant Professor. Her research interests are metagenomic analysis, comparative genomics, structure variation in human genome and analysis of deep sequencing data.


Dr. Pu is the twenty-eighth alumna fellow of the Edmond J. Safra Center who receives a tenure-track position in the academia.



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