November 2019: K Health featured in the Entrepreneurs Salon
The fourth Edmond J. Safra Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon took place on November 14, 2019.
The fourth Edmond J. Safra Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon took place on November 14, 2019. Some 80 participants from industry, hospitals and academia gathered in the Jaglom Auditorium at TAU.
Prof. Noam Shomron, Edmond J. Safra Center member (Medicine) and Chair of the Salon organizing committee, introduced the speakers, Ya'ara Goldschmidt, director of Data Modelling and Tom Haramaty, Algorithms team leader, both from the company K Health.
The speakers gave an inspiring talk titled "AI-driven healthcare system". They introduced the company and their product, a personal health app for the cell phone that aims for better and cheaper primary care. Then, Ya'ara and Tom outlined the decision-making process that leads their product and medical data interpretation. They discussed the ethics involved, the research conducted in the company and the challenges in working with EHRs and in building an AI medical system. The talk was followed by many questions from the audience, which continued into the reception that followed, allowing interaction in an informal environment.
The Salon series, an initiative of the Center that was launched last year, is a forum to promote entrepreneurship at the convergence of biology, medicine, and computing. It aims to create a meeting, interaction and networking forum for academics, industry, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists interested in joining together biology, medicine and computing. The series is a collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School and the BIES series.
For pictures from the event click here.