February 2022: TAD Biomedical Community meetings: Harnessing Tumor Transcriptomics to Advance Precision Oncology
Speaker: Dr. Ranit Aharonov, CTO, Pangea Biomed.
The TAD Biomedical Community meetings are starting!
The overall aim of our community is to improve our understanding of health and disease processes and to advance public health and better cures. We will bring together scientists from the fields of medicine, life sciences , core artificial intelligence and data science to share ideas and form new collaborations. We will also invite leaders from the industry who work with biomedical data science and artificial intelligence to present, discuss and facilitate collaborations.
Talk title: Harnessing Tumor Transcriptomics to Advance Precision Oncology
Speaker: Dr. Ranit Aharonov, CTO, Pangea Biomed
February 6 2022, at 13:00, by Zoom: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/87352075573.
Organizers: Dr. Uri Obolski, Dr. Pablo Blinder, Prof. Noam Shomron