October 2024: Shomron: A genomics scientist in the Israel Defense Forces Forensic Lab

Prof. Noam Shomron, Edmond J. Safra member (Medicine), serves as a genomics scientist in reserve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) forensic lab.

October 2024: Shomron: A genomics scientist in the Israel Defense Forces Forensic Lab

Prof. Noam Shomron, Edmond J. Safra member (Medicine), serves as a genomics scientist in reserve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) forensic lab.


In an article published in the Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, Prof. Shomron describes his daily routine in the lab, which aims is to find a match between tissue samples brought from the field and the DNA deposited by soldiers upon being drafted into the army. A success - confirming the death of a soldier - is a heavy burden to bear, shares Prof. Shomron. Yet, this identification is crucial; it allows the traumatized family to finally know the fate of their loved one and to begin the process of mourning and acceptance.


Read more here.

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