Distinguished Speaker Series: Personalized health – harnessing the power of diversity
Prof. Burkhard Rost, Technische Universitat Munchen
The objective of our group is to predict aspects of protein function and structure from sequence. The wealth of evolutionary information available through comparing the whole bio-diversity of species makes such an ambitious goal achievable. Our particular niche is the combination of evolutionary information with machine learning. We developed methods to predict from sequence protein interactions (incl. networks), cellular localization, functional classifications and the effects of sequence variants upon molecular function and the organism. In this talk I will focus on protein-protein interactions, present the concept of the Dark Proteome and how protein disorder appears to play a unique role in evolution, and will present some surprising results from effect-prediction methods for the analysis of large populations.
Prof. Nir Ben-Tal, bental@tauex.tau.ac.il, the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Life Sciences Faculty, TAU