Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2019-2020

updated: 05.01.2020

Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2019-2020
Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2019-2020

A ceremony awarding fellowships and certificates to new and continuing Edmond J. Safra Center fellows took place on January 1 2020 at Tel Aviv University. The event was attended by TAU President, Prof. Ariel Porat, as well as Dean of Exact Sciences, Prof. Michael Krivelevich, Dean of faculty of Medicine, Prof. Ehud Grossman, Dean of faculty of life Sciences, Prof. Abdussalam Azem, Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Karen Avraham, and Head of Computer Science School, Prof. Benny Chor. The guest of honor was Mr. Ariel Greenberg, the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation representative in Israel.  Mr. Greenberg greeted the students. Prof. Ron Shamir, the head of the Center, summarized the Center's activities and status, emphasizing the special occasion of the 15th ceremony, starting the fifteenth year of the Center. Profs. Porat and Grossman greeted the audience. 


This year's winners of the Edmond J. Safra Center excellent Research Student Prize were PhD fellows Nimrod Rappoport (Shamir lab, Computer Science) and Itay Sason (Sharan lab, Computer Science).  The prize is awarded annually to one or two research students with outstanding scientific record.  


Edmond J. Safra PhD Fellow Shir Bahiri Elitzur (Tuller's group, Engineering), gave an exciting talk titled "The code inside the code: from DNA to protein".


Fifty seven fellowships were awarded to excellent bioinformatics students in all degrees, including undergraduates, graduates and postdocs.


During the certificates distribution, the singer, Noa Harel, an alumnus of the School of Music at Tel Aviv University, and Yaniv Cohen, Jazz guitar player, performed two songs in an engaging performance. ​


For pictures from the event, click here.



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