Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2012-2013

updated: 08.07.2018

Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2012-2013

A ceremony awarding fellowships and certificates to all new and continuing Edmond J. Safra Center fellows took place on December 19, 2012.


The Dean of Exact Sciences, Prof. Yaron Oz, the Dean of Life Sciences, Professor Moshe Mevarech and Dean of Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Professor Yoseph Mekori, attended the event. The guest of honor was Edmond J. Safra Foundation representative in Israel, Mr. Juir Torenheim. A capacity audience of fellows, their families and their advisors attended the event.


Prof. Ron Shamir, the head of the Edmond J. Safra Center, opened the ceremony by summarizing the Center progress to date. He described the inauguration of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics in June 2012 by Mrs. Lily Safra, who founded the Center in honor of her late husband and devoted philanthropist Mr. Edmond J. Safra. Mr. Torenheim, and the Profs. Oz, Mevarech and Mekori, greeted the audience. 


Fellowships and awards were given to excellent bioinformatics students in all degrees, including undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students. A record number of 47 fellowships and awards were given this year. Edmond J. Safra PhD Fellow David Golan gave an exciting talk titled "The study of genetic diseases – in the past and today".


Pictures from the event can be found below.   


Pictures from the event >


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