Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2009-2010

updated: 08.07.2018

Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2009-2010
A ceremony awarding fellowships andcertificates to all new and continuing Safra fellows took place on December 2009.
TAU President, Professor Joseph Klafter, as well as the Dean ofSackler Faculty of Medicine, Professor Yoseph Mekori, the dean of LifeSciences, Professor Yoel Kloog and the Dean of Exact Sciences, Professor Haim Wolfson, and the head of the School of Computer Science, Professor Amiram Yehudai, attended the meeting.
Professor Ron Shamir, the head of the Safra Program, opened the meeting. Profs. Klafter, Mekori and Wolfson greeted the fellows, their families and their advisors who attended the meeting.
Fellowships and awards from the president and by the Edmond J. Safra Program were given to excellent bioinformatics students inall degrees, undergraduates, graduates and postdocs.
Schraga Schwartz, who is Edmond J. Safra PhD Fellow, gave an exciting talk about "the dialogue between the camera, the scissors and diseases". 


Pictures from the event >


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