Annual Fellowship Ceremony 2008-2009
updated: 08.07.2018
A ceremony awarding fellowships and certificates to all new and continuing Safra fellows took place on December 2008.
The TAU President, Professor Zvi Galil, as well as the Dean of Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Professor Yoseph Mekori (MD) and the Dean of Exact Sciences, Professor Haim Wolfson, greeted the fellows, their families and their advisors who attended the meeting.
Fellowships and awards from the president and by the Edmond J. Safra Program were given to excellent bioinformatics students in all degrees, undergraduates, graduates and postdocs.
David Burstein, who is Edmond J. Safra PhD Fellow, gave an exciting talk about a computational step towards unraveling the mysteries of the Legionnaire disease.